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Sewer Heat Recovery PlantLonsdale Energy is building a new energy plant in the City of North Vancouver. The plant will collect heat energy from Metro Vancouver’s North Vancouver Interceptor trunk line, which carries raw sewage. Before going to the treatment plant, the untreated water will be diverted to our sewer heat recovery plant where we will extract heat before it travels to the wastewater treatment plant to be cleaned. The plant will remove about 7,600 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year – equivalent to removing 2,700 cars from the road.More information
Queen Mary Community SchoolOne of the first schools built on the North Shore, Queen Mary Elementary went through a significant seismic upgrade and heritage restoration in 2014. At the same, it added environmental features, including connection to the City’s community energy system.More information
School District Education Services Centre and Art GalleryBuilt in 2012, the Education Services Centre for School District 44 features a geoexchange system that provides thermal energy for the community energy system.More information
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