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Is your building connected to Lonsdale Energy?

Find out if you’re a part of our community energy system:
Lonsdale Energy operates the award-winning 
community energy system located in the City of North Vancouver. 

We offer another way to heat and cool homes. Instead of each building having its own heating or cooling source, our community energy system can efficiently serve many buildings at once. Today, more than 25% of residents in the Lower Lonsdale, 
Central Lonsdale, Moodyville, and Marine Harbourside neighbourhoods rely on us.
lady walking dog on city boardwalk

Climate action at work

Community energy is a key component of the City’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and achieve its target of net-zero emissions by 2050. Buildings are the second-largest source of emissions in the City.

One major advantage of community energy systems is their ability to deliver renewable heating or cooling energy to an entire network in a cost-effective manner. For North Vancouver, this means that over 110 buildings can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions more quickly and at a fraction of the cost compared to each building acting independently.

Lonsdale Energy is working on several renewable and low-carbon projects. By 2027, at least 40% of the energy we provide will come from low-carbon technologies.

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