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Developer FAQ

Questions? Here are some of the most common questions we receive from developers and those interested in land development initiatives in the City of North Vancouver. More information can be found in the Developer Support section of our website.


1.What is an application fee?
The application fee is a one-time fee charged when Lonsdale Energy is involved in the process of building permit issuance or inspection. This fee is charged at a rate of 0.15% of the construction value as defined by the City of North Vancouver. This fee is applicable to only developers.
2.What is a service connection fee?
The service connection fee is one-time fee calculated by multiplying the service connection rate ($/kilowatt) by the energy capacity nominated by the developer’s professional engineer qualified for such purposes and described in kilowatts. The current rate for customer connections with a service agreement date December 1, 2023, or later, is $94.18 per kilowatt (if an agreement was executed prior to this date, the rate in Bylaw No. 7575 at that time will apply). Effective December 1, 2023, there is a minimum connection fee of $75,000. Generally, more energy efficient buildings have lower service connection fees. Thermal energy storage and appropriate building controls can also help lower service connection fees. This fee is applicable to only developers.
3.Is my new development project required to connect to Lonsdale Energy?
Developments with a combined floor area of greater than 1,000 m2 are required to connect to the community energy system. Refer to the City of North Vancouver’s Hydronic Energy Service bylaw for more information.
4.What are the performance requirements for buildings connected to Lonsdale Energy?
There are two main performance requirements for buildings connected to the community energy system: 1. Domestic hot water will be heated to a minimum of 60°C under all load conditions. This may not be required if central domestic hot water storage is not used. 2. Maximum return water temperature of 43°C year-round under all non-zero load conditions at the delivery point of the energy transfer station.
5.How long will my security deposit be held?
Lonsdale Energy will hold the security deposit for a minimum holding period of 18 continuous months after the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy. If the customer building has not been constructed, is not being operated or cannot be operated in accordance with our requirements, then we may retain a portion or all the security deposit.
6.What is required to release my security deposit?
There are two main performance requirements: 1. Domestic hot water is heated to a minimum of 60°C under all load conditions. 2. The maximum return water temperature is 43°C year-round. Please review the Developer Requirements and Guidelines document for more information.
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