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Developer Support

The City of North Vancouver’s Hydronic Energy Service bylaw requires developments with a combined floor area of greater than 1,000 m2 to connect to the community energy system, maintained and operated by Lonsdale Energy.

If your project is connecting to the community energy system, follow the City of North Vancouver’s development process. Lonsdale Energy will review and inspect your development project on behalf of the City during development, permitting, construction, and operation.

The following chart highlights key stages when Lonsdale Energy is involved in the process:



Visit the City of North Vancouver's website for more information about their permitting process and download Lonsdale Energy's Developer Guidelines and Requirements guide to get guidance on how to optimize your project's performance when connecting to the community energy system. 


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Is your building connected to Lonsdale Energy?

Find out if you’re a part of our community energy system:
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