At 12,000 square feet, the Shipyards Skate Plaza in North Vancouver is the largest outdoor skating rink in the region, attracting visitors from all parts of the Lower Mainland to the North Shore . This vibrant destination combines recreation and sustainability, setting an example for community-oriented design.
Unlike traditional refrigeration methods, this system uses CO2 as a refrigerant to create and maintain the ice. Beneath the ice surface, 13 kilometres of piping removes heat from the ice, which Lonsdale Energy repurposes to supply hot water and space heating to nearby buildings. This innovative approach provides enough energy to heat the equivalent of 43 homes.
Unique in its design and efficiency, the Shipyards Skate Plaza is the only skating rink in Canada connected to a community energy system.
Shipyards Skate Plaza, City of North Vancouver webpage
Videos of the Shipyards, featuring the Skating Plaza: