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Facts and Stats

Lonsdale Energy operates the second-largest community energy system in Metro Vancouver


Facts and Stats*


Reliability rate,: 99.9% uptime
Total heating capacity, 35 MW
Total cooling capacity, 1 MW
Total length of distribution pipe network, 15 km.
Energy sources: natural gas, renewable natural gas, heat recovery, solar, and geoexchange heat
Number of connected buildings: 108
Neighbourhoods served, Lower Lonsdale, Central Lonsdale, Marine Harbourside, and Moodyville
Total square footage served, 8.2 million square feet

*as of December 31, 2023

About 1 in 4 residents in the City of North Vancouver are Lonsdale Energy customers. It's anticipated that by 2030, 1 in 3 residents will be a part of the network.


Environmental targets

  • 40% district energy supplied by low-carbon energy technologies by 2027
  • 60% district energy supplied by low-carbon energy technologies by 2030
  • 80% carbon emission reduction (from 2007 emission levels) by 2040
  • Net-zero emissions by 2050
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Is your building connected to Lonsdale Energy?

Find out if you’re a part of our community energy system:
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