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Developer Guidelines & Requirements

The Developer Guidelines and Requirements guide was created to better support developers and ensure new developments are optimized to connect to the community energy system. It is also intended to serve as a resource for the developer’s contractors and design consultants.

The guide provides a general overview of the City of North Vancouver’s community energy system, operated and maintained by Lonsdale Energy. It also outlines the responsibilities of developers and of Lonsdale Energy and summarizes the City of North Vancouver’s development process as it relates to Lonsdale Energy.

Most importantly, the guide also lists critical factors to consider during building installation.


Download the Developer Guidelines & Requirements

A Developer's Responsibilities

Throughout the development, construction, and operational phases of a project, the developer has various responsibilities when connecting to the community energy system. Please refer to the guide for additional details and useful information to share with your consultants and contractors.


Lonsdale Energy's Responsibilities

Energy Plants

It is Lonsdale Energy’s responsibility to design and construct the energy plants. Lonsdale Energy is also responsible for designing and constructing the distribution piping system and energy transfer station that connects a building to the community energy system.

Please refer to the guide for detailed information.

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